Preparing for my new Trilogy Series launch
The preparation for the launch of my new Trilogy Series of novels – ALFIE GOES TO THAILAND - is well underway. As with any new project there have been technical problems to deal with. Cleaning up a blog and creating a new author website is time consuming, especially when you are the only employee in your business empire. When you only have an archaic mailing list, limited website traffic and minimal social media exposure, it can feel like you are swimming against the tide.
Then there is the product itself. Someone must write and be ready to publish the books before any of the above can gain any traction. I’m close to finishing the first novel, making sure verbiage is removed and the story hangs together well enough. It’s getting tighter and close to final edit. I want you to feel Alfie’s emotions as he experiences the release from a toxic relationship only then to find himself sucked into another.
The Only Witness - a FREE GIFT
A Short Story, THE ONLY WITNESS is a mystery which will give you a taste for the 3-novel series - ALFIE GOES TO THAILAND. It’s less than a 30-minute read, even for slow coaches like me.
If you enjoy THE ONLY WITNESS, I hope you’ll be kind and leave a review on Amazon.
A quiet Sunday - A vicious assault - One man’s resurrection is another’s good luck
When Alfie set out on his morning cycle ride, the last thing he expected was to be the only witness to attempted murder. He kept his head down while a weird sequence of events happened. The only person who knew what he saw was the perpetrator of the crime. And Alfie was easy to find.
If you didn’t get your complimentary eBook Short Story already, CLICK and I’ll send it now.
If you pick up THE ONLY WITNESS or subscribe to Follow me first, you’ll be notified by email. You’ll follow me throughout the launch of the new trilogy Series - ALFIE GOES TO THAILAND and the second series planned for publication within the next twelve months.
Before each book is published you will be able to view a sneak preview of the opening chapter.
Have you read it?
If you have already read THE ONLY WITNESS, I hope you enjoyed it. The book will be released by Amazon on the 20th August.
Reviews are so important at the beginning of a series launch, so I’m looking forward to my readers’ honest opinions.
CLICK to post a review after the 20th of August.
Just scroll down the book page to where it says REVIEW THIS PRODUCT and then click on WRITE A CUSTOMER REVIEW. It’s that easy.