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My Advanced Reader Team is a team of readers WHO CAN GET ALL MY BOOKS FREE.

Advance Readers will help influence the growth of James King Books. 


By the end of 2021 Jamoroki Press will have THIRTEEN publications, and I could do with some help.


I am grateful to my ADVANCE READER TEAM who help make things happen. 


Here's How it Works


Apart from writing and publishing the books,


  • I give Advance Readers a FREE copy of each book when it’s ready to be published – but before anyone else sees it – a few weeks in advance of the release date, and

  • Before it goes on special promotion at Amazon, BookFunnel, or anywhere else.




Book reviews are critically important. Like me, you are probably influenced in some way by reviews when deciding whether to try a new author or not. Most readers are. Apart from helping people find the book, reviews help drive sales, which encourages Amazon to promote the book, thus helping both author and readers. And no-one promotes books better than Amazon.  The review need only be a line or two, but it makes a massive difference.




Another way to help readers find the book is by sharing the book’s page link or my author page with friends and on social media.




All you need to do is read each book or a part of each book, in your own time and leave an honest review, by following the instructions in the  section – HELP OTHERS ENJOY THIS BOOK – at the back of each book. Or go to REVIEWS in the menu bar at the top of this page. Then, when the book is published, post your review on Amazon (or Goodreads if you don’t qualify for Amazon). It’s that simple.




There will be errors, like typos. There always are. You don’t have to, but if you find any I've missed, telling me will help greatly, so I can make changes. That's one of the advantages of digital books.




Circumstances change, and you may not be able to read a book or leave a review for whatever reason. That’s a private matter and I don’t need to know. You can withdraw from your commitment to the Team at any time or suspend it temporarily. I understand and will not be offended. But please let me know.


If after 6 months you have not been able to review a book, I may move you to the subscribers list, to reduce my admin load. Don't worry, you will still receive notifications. You can rejoin the AR Team later if you wish. 




If you would like to join the team, confirm by emailing me with – I HAVE JOINED THE TEAM – in the subject line. That’s all you have to do, before I send you links to my books.


Please note my books are published by Jamoroki Press and are only available from Amazon and Goodreads. For Advance Review Copies contact me directly 



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